I would like to take this time to remember someONE very special to this site,without fans like him there might have never been a CHICITY MUSIK.As some of you might know on thursday i was released from jail so i been out of the chi-town loop,when i got home i touched bases with V.I.P. chicity musik co-owner CHI TIL I DIE,he then dropped the sad sad news that one of our biggest fans ever had passed away SLICKK. SLICKK was on this site daily since the birth of chicity musik and was a huge TRE SINS SINNA ROW fan to the heart!!! SLICKK early this year opened his very own blog chi~town classiks with the support from chicity musik,it was short lived and was shut down in 2 months by those hoes at blogger.com!! I HAD big plans set up for slickk as he knew,he was going to run our new chicity musik fan site before his sudden death.One of mybest memories of slickk was when he heard this new sinna row joint "DEMON MODE" on row's myspace page,he then took it upon his self to email me everyday and ask me to give him a copy of the track,after one full month of him asking i finally gave in and gave him the track,which at the time was not released!!! Next week we will be releasing THE SUMMER OF THE CHI 2010 MIXTAPE ALBUM,and yes the whole album will be dedication to SLICKK. CHICITY MUSIK WILL MISS YOU FOREVER SLICKK,WE LOVE YOU AND WILL NEVER FORGET YOU JO!!!